What We Do
![View over Loch Sunart SAC from Ardslignish, Ardnemurchan, Scotland](/images/cms/596a2a86-f0f4-4d21-b362-f6081697bfef_full.jpg)
The work which has been associated with the DTA brand is widely respected. It is recognised as being influential in our professional spheres and in setting standards of good practice. We have particular expertise in all aspects of work relating to the assessment of plans and projects under the Habitats Regulations.
DTA Ecology services include:
- offering case-by-case advice on all aspects of the interpretation and practical application of the EU Wild Birds and Habitats Directives; DTA is associated with high profile and contentious case work commissioned by statutory agencies.
- providing ‘shadow’ or draft Habitats Regulations Assessments which can be adopted by decision makers such as local planning authorities
- ‘peer reviewing’ assessments which have been submitted or drafted by others
- offering case-by-case advice on the effects of air pollution on designated sites
- providing general or bespoke training tailored to our client’s needs
- authorship of guidance documents and case studies
- original research and investigation of past cases in the UK and elsewhere in Europe
- publication and maintenance of ‘The Habitats Regulations Assessment Handbook’ and accompanying Journal through DTA Publications Ltd
- providing expert witness evidence at public inquiries and court hearings
The key strengths and capabilities which DTA Ecology can bring to any job which we undertake, and which set us apart from other consultancies, include:
- meeting our clients’ needs on time, on budget and to the highest quality standards;
- a continuation of the DTA brand reputation for maintaining a consistent, highly respected position which has been built up over 30 years of practice, as a result of an ethos of putting quality of work above quantity and prioritising relationship over profit;
- a proven ability to author a wide range of accessible reports, seminal methodologies and authoritative guidance documents to the highest publication standards;
- an unparalleled knowledge of the subject law and guidance with previous relevant experience addressing the issues involved, including the production and maintenance of the Habitats Regulations Assessment Handbook;
- considerable experience in undertaking assessments and reviews and giving advice and training in respect of the application of the Nature Directives in a wide range of circumstances in the terrestrial, coastal and marine environments;
- a commitment to quality and service in all areas of work.
“I would like to extend my sincere thanks to you for working with us in such a positive and flexible manner, I would not hesitate to recommend DTA Ecology to others as an excellent provider”. (Swansea Council)
DTA News:
Dr Caroline Chapman is delighted to have been listed in the ENDS Report 2023 Power List of the 100 environmental professionals in the UK who have made the greatest impact over the past two years.One nomination said: “Caroline goes about her work quietly but is a giant in the sector.”